8 Chinese Organizations celebrate Father’s Day – Chinese Community Health & Civic Fair
[Miami, FL - June 12, 2012] Florida Chinese Federation, Chinese American Benevolent Association, Chinese Baptist Church of Miami, Miami Chinese Welfare Council, Sir Fernando Muy Memorial Foundation, OCA-South Florida Chapter, United Chinese Association of Florida, and World Kwong Tung Community Association - Miami Chapter are delighted to celebrate 2012 Father’s Day with a Chinese Community Health & Civic Fair.
The Chinese Community Health & Civic Fair will be held between 11 am - 2 pm on Saturday, 6/16, at Chinese Baptist Church of Miami - 595 SW 124 Avenue, Miami, FL 33184.
The highlight is that Mr. Anton Gunn, Regional Director, Region IV Atlanta, Office of the Secretary, U S Department of Health & Human Services – will be the keynote speaker to give an update of Affordable Care Act on how it may impact Asian American community.
At the Fair, U S Department of Citizenship & Immigration Services, U S Department of Labor, U S Social Security Administration, Florida Medicaid, Florida Senior Medicare Patrol, Alliance for Aging - FLorida SHINE, Miami-Dade County Police Department, Miami-Dade County Public Defender Office, Humana, SafeLink Wireless and others will provide educational information of their services to the community.
In addition, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue will provide valuable Fire Truck Demonstration so we may learn how to live in a safer community.
Furthermore, glucose screening for early diabetes detection and prevention will be supported by Roche.
1 in 10 Asian Americans is living with chronic hepatitis B and most don’t even know it. Without appropriate monitoring or treatment, 1 in 4 may die from liver cancer or liver failure. Dr. Simon Wong will discuss how Hepatitis B impacts Chinese American community and how Hepatitis B can be managed and serious complications of liver disease may be prevented.
According to the Centers for Disease Control’s 2008 National Health Interview Survey, Asian Americans are twice as more likely than both non-Hispanic White and African Americans to have not seen a doctor in the past five years, despite a likelihood to develop hepatitis, liver, and thyroid cancer, and other diseases. Cancer is the leading cause of death for Asian Americans. Asian Americans are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to be uninsured. Compared to the non-Hispanic White rate of 13.3%, the uninsured rate among Asian Americans rate is 14.8%.
We are inviting you to join us at the 2012 Father’s Day – Chinese Community Health & Civic Fair.
For more information, please call 305-753-8791 or winnievhtang@aol.com